Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Wake Up In A Good Mood – By Kathy Gates ***

Every day is a gift, but some sure don't seem like it, do they?

I often suggest to my clients that they use this higher goal to help them
achieve a happier life: "Wake Up In A Good Mood."

Now in order to achieve that, you'll have to get personal. My waking up in
a good mood will be different from yours. For example, one client decided
that she needed to purchase two things. And no, going on a shopping trip
is not what I generally had in mind, but if you have a broken alarm clock
that continually makes you late, then yes, DO IT!

(Oh, you want to know what she bought? A coffee maker that starts the
coffee automatically, and a thermostat that raises the temperature for
those cold cold mornings.)

But that's about her; what about you? What do you need? What if you made
that your filter for all your decisions today" "Wake Up In A Good Mood

Maybe these tips can help.

1. Morning Routines.
Oh, yes, you have one; it's just whether it's working or not. As mentioned
earlier, decide what you need for those so important first minutes of your
day. Some people need time to chat, read the paper, 'putter' as my mom
used to call it. Others can be out of the house in 15 minutes. What do you
need (to buy, to ask for, to put into place) to help you wake up feeling

2. Stick to the present.
I find that it's all too common for people to be running around trying to
clean up the leftovers from last week, last month. Get yourself into the
present. Commit to doing your daily work completely, fully each day. As
minutes or pockets of time present themselves, take care of something
that's hanging over your head. But don't sacrifice the present to do it.
If you want to wake up in a good mood, it's important that you're facing
the front, not looking over your shoulder. (If your present is *too* full
for you to keep up with, then that's a bïgger challenge that must be
handled first.)

3. Life is fluid.
Listen up -- it's not that opportunïty doesn't come your way, it's that
you're not in a position to take advantage of it! I know, that sounds mean
doesn't it, and it gives me a headache too. But the reality is this: The
only way you'll ever be able to take advantage of the good things that
come your way is to be ready. That means you'll need to have some reserves
backing you up. When the interest rates hit an all-time low, were you in a
position to buy if you chose to? Could you accept a great job, or Mr/Mrs.
Right into your life right now? Reserves give you freedom to make choices,
and when you wake up knowing you're in the driver's seat, it's a whole lot
easier to be in a good mood. Get prepared!

4. Accept yourself, warts and all.
A happy life is being able to accept that you aren't perfect, and "they"
aren't perfect, and taking responsibility for how it affects those around
you. "This is my problem, and this is how I'm handling it." If you're
messy, accept that, and do what it takes to control its impact on other
people. Understand that others have problems too; they aren't perfect
either. Help each other take responsibility for their own challenges as
you do your own. They will be encouraged by you.

5. Be your own friend.
I know, how many times have you heard this by now? And you're still not
doing it, are you? Ask yourself how you'd treat a good friend if she was
at your house this evening? Determine to treat yourself like you are
someone you *like* and want to take care of. Get enough sleep, eat in
moderation, love yourself, and be kind to yourself. A good mood will be
your reward.

Waking up in a good mood has everything to do with you, and your choices.
If you think the world is a bad place, that's what you will see. Every day
you create your life, minute by minute, thought by thought, action by
action. If you eat candy all day, you'll be sick. If you put bad thoughts
into your mind all day, you'll be sick.

Feed your mind good "food." Feed your heart, your spirit. Look for the
little things that you need to help you rise each morning feeling happier,
more satisfied, and more efficient. And waking up in a good mood will be a

10 Life and Leadership Lessons I Learned from Superman (and How They Changed My Life Forever) – By Eric Taylor ***

For many, the actor who epitomized the character "Superman" is Christopher
Reeve, and as millïons know, at the height of his career he suffered a
tragic accident that left him totally paralyzed, unable to care for
himself or, initially, even to breathe unassisted.

With the support of his wïfe, Dana, Chris persevered and battled back,
becoming a vigorous advocate and the public face for research that
develops treatments and cures for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury
and other central nervous system disorders. The foundation that now bears
his name has awarded over $55 million in research grants to the world's
best neuroscientists and Quality of Life grants worth over $7 million to
nonprofit organizations that help improve the daily lives of people living
with paralysis, particularly spinal cord injuries.

Christopher Reeve redefined courage and hope. His strength, determination,
and compassion inspired the world, but what I think is the superhuman part
of the story has not been fully told. There's more to this story for me
and greater lessons for us all--in fact, 10 of them.

It was my distinct privilege to produce Chris's last public appearance in
New Jersey, where he filled a baseball stadium. I'll nevër forget it--or
him. He died 10 days later. He is my hero.

Chris Reeve taught me 10 lessons on that day. I know that they apply to
you, and when you decide to take them to heart and act on them, they will
change your life, too.

1. Empower yourself first! The only way to truly connect with another
human is to connect with yourself first. Compassion, rapport, and caring
all come from allowing, understanding, and knowing yourself first.

Action Idea: Take time out of each day (even if by self-appointment) to
reflect on the day, week, month, or year, evaluate the words you chose to
speak and the actions you chose to take, and ask yourself the critical
question, "Am I being congruent with what I truly believe and value?"

2. Refuse absolutes. There are no absolutes! Anyone who says "that will
nevër happen" doesn't understand faith, persistence, and belief. The world
was once thought to be flat; Christopher Columbus debunked that myth and
created a paradigm shift for mankind. Christopher Reeve should not have
survived as long as he did and accomplished as much as he did after his

Action Idea: Have you embraced false absolutes with "security thinking,"
believing that absolutes actually exist? Remove all self-imposed
limitations and boundaries that you or someone else have placed in your

3. Become a respected and feared competitor. Both are equally important.
Have the respect of your peers, but be sure that they are aware that you
are playing to wïn every time!

Action Idea: Get close to your competitors, and let them get close to
you—but only in physical proximity! Treat them with kindness and respect,
but keep your eye on the prïze.

4. Get moving as soon as possible. There is nevër time to get ready. When
you set a goal, make a decision, or experience adversity, get moving on it
immediately! Christopher's tragedy was something for which he could not
have prepared. Chris knew that if he didn't take action immediately to
find a cure and to move toward walking again, he might begin to think that
death was a better alternative.

Action Idea: Decide! Once you make up your mind to achieve a desired
outcome or goal, nevër let anything or anyone stop you.

5. You have more talent and gifts than you realize. You possess all of the
resources to lead an extraordinary life. Accept the gifts, and use them to
Action Idea: Ask "what if" questïons. "What if I could discover the cure
for AIDS?" "What if I could run a three-minute mile?" "What if I give love
first without expecting anything in return?"

6. Give yourself a chance--you are worthy. Let the people who love you,
love you. Share your dreams and desires with those who can, will, and want
to help you. Don't beat yourself up when you fail or create an undesirable

Action Idea: Everything is an experience, not a test. The events that take
place in our lives are not a thermometer to gauge our self-worth. The most
important opinion you must possess in your life is the opinion you have of

7. Nothing is impossible--use your personal power, and have faith that you
can overcome and achieve anything you set your mind to. The phrase
"nothing is impossible" is a mind-set each of us should embrace.

Action Idea: Faith equals persistence. If you believe you can, you can.
Walt Disney said, "You will see it when you believe it."

8. Ignore your own feelings of inadequacy. There is always someone doing
better than you are. What's more important is what you are doing and what
your goals are. The grass always looks greener on the other side, and it
is almost always a false assumption. If you honor self-promises and stick
to your dreams and goals, your time will come. Beware of negative
self-talk and negative thinking. The real truth is that the glass is
always half full, and it is always partly sunny. These small distinctions
can pay huge dividends in your life.

Action Idea: Protect your mind and your body and what you allow to enter
it; they are your most prized possessions.

9. Negativity will kill empowerment. Avoid negativity at all costs:
negative people, negative news, negative thoughts, and all the things and
people in your life that are dream-stealers. You are a leader. Become a
leader in your life first.

Action Idea: Just as empowerment begins with you, positivism in your world
begins with you as well. Negativity drains energy, diminishes hope, blocks
creativity, and steals faith and one's ability to persist. Surround
yourself with everything and everyone that makes you feel good. Life is
too short not to be happy.

10. Giving up is not an option. After Dana told Chris, "I still love you,
you are still you," his giving up was not an option. He knew that he had
only one choice and one life to leave his legacy. Quitting does last
forever--quitters nevër wïn, and winners nevër quit. You are not
automatically entitled to everything in this life, but you are entitled to
become your personal best. What will your legacy be? What will you create?
What is your purpose for being here?

Action Idea: If you have yet to discover your calling, get excited! It is
about to be discovered. If you know your calling, go there with passion
and serve!

Those, in a nutshell, are the 10 life and leadership lessons I learned
from Superman--my real-life hero, Christopher Reeve. I strive to live them
every day.

There's one more quote from Chris that takes a bit of thinking to
understand, but I'd like you to consider it.

"If there is no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters,
then all that matters is what we do."

Now, go forward!